These are some of the precaution that every individual should take before they commute in the main mode of public transportation that is Bus. So in this blog, we will understand the main aspects of spreading the COVID-19 and how individuals can stay safe by following the correct precautions that are effective.
1. Get tested before you go. Check the requirements of your destination before you book any travel. If you're traveling internationally, many countries also require a negative test before entry and may have additional quarantine requirements.
2. Wear a mask. This one should be a no-brainer at this point, but it bears repeating. Wearing a mask not only protects you from exposure to the virus, but also protects those around you in case you are asymptomatic.
3. Sanitize everything. When you're on the go, it's easy to let hand-washing fall by the wayside. Carry sanitizer with you and use it often, especially before eating or after touching high-traffic surfaces like door handles and handrails.
4. Avoid crowded places. Again, this one might seem obvious, but it's worth mentioning. Places like restaurants, bars, and tourist attractions will likely be packed with people, increasing your chances of exposure. If possible, opt for quieter activities or things that can be done outdoors where there's more ventilation and less opportunity for the virus to spread.
5. Stay hydrated and rested. This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with covid specifically, but it's important nonetheless. Flying can take a toll on your body, so make sure you drink plenty of water and get enough sleep before your trip so that you're well-rested and can fight off any germs that come your way.
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